Moussutställningar organized the two year arts festival, Artistic Undressings of which HighWaterLine | Stockholm was Scene III, Act III: Water.
Due to covid restrictions, a small group - the consultant, the producer, the dock worker, the union leader, the artist and their ilk wander, one by one, charted the depths of development along the port city.
Translated from Swedish:
With knowledgeable guides to help us, we set off on a city walking marathon with an eye directed down at all the waters of Norra Djurgårdsstaden and how they inevitably flow together with the district's history, development and future. During the day we moved by swimming, by boat and on foot from the sea floor to the sewage system and everyone who is touched by them on a daily basis.
In the first part, historian Axel Andersson and swimming teacher Vinicius Santiago took us on a historical swim in the wake of colonialism. The internal waters of the body were connected remotely with artists Åse Løvgren and Kristin Tårnesvik, which brought us to an import and export themed lunch presented by artist Holly Keasey. In the second part, we talked about the MACRO project, which researches and tests circular waste systems together with its project manager Maria Lennartsson, who also showed off the district's stormwater system. Then we continued to Hjorthagen's church where Anne Beate Hovind gave a lecture on cathedral thinking. In the third part, we met today's and historical dock workers in Frihamnen with union leader Björn A Borg. Then there was dinner and nautical choir singing with Gränslösa Röster in the harbor and a meeting with Kurt Lilja, who was born and worked in Frihamnen. The tour finally went on by boat out into Lilla Värtan to view the water environment and think about how to urban plan for aquatic life and its creatures together with the artist Elin Tanding Sørensen and the marine biologist Maya Miltell.
Photos by Emanuel Schütt